特斯拉计用英语怎么说 特斯拉计英语翻译

特斯拉计用英语翻译为"teslameter",其次还可以说成"Tesla current",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到94个与特斯拉计相关的释义和例句。

特斯拉计用英语怎么说 特斯拉计英语翻译

特斯拉计用英语翻译为"teslameter",其次还可以说成"Tesla current",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到94个与特斯拉计相关的释义和例句。

2. Tesla's dream, no wires, no cords.

3. A Teslameter for Triaxial Magnetic Measurements

4. Tesla's insight was profound.

5. Nikola Tesla: The result is 118,236.

6. i have been able, through careful invention, to transmit, with the mere flick of a switch, electricity across the ether.

译文:特斯拉:“通过精密的设计,” 特斯拉:“我只需要轻轻触动开关” 特斯拉:“就能将电力传遍世界。”。

7. But i think i'm more of an Edison than a Tesla.

8. NT: We are at the dawn of a new age, the age of electricity.

译文:特斯拉:“我们正在一个新时代的黎明,” 特斯拉:“一个电的时代。”。

9. Marco Tempest: Now Tesla's brain worked in the most extraordinary way.

10. Obviously the Model 3 is coming soon.

11. i dropped the tesla, and i couldn't pick it up.

12. So the teslas are for the child?

13. Tesla wanted to better the world.

14. We'll be unveiling the Tesla Semi truck.

15. They say Tesla is as crazy as he is brilliant.


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