生死观用英语怎么说 生死观的英语翻译

生死观用英语翻译为"view of life and death -",还可以翻译为  view of life and death,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到65个与生死观相关的释义和例句。

生死观用英语怎么说 生死观的英语翻译

生死观用英语翻译为"view of life and death -",还可以翻译为  view of life and death,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到65个与生死观相关的释义和例句。

4. There's something beautiful.

5. i'm with you for better or worse.

6. A matter of life and death.

7. The Theoretical Connotation and Modern Value of Taoistic Life and Death

9. We're either going to sink or swim. Together

10. it's a matter of life and death !

11. Right, one last chance to die.

12. "Just as long as you stay."

13. Every time of education on the concept of life and death, should one time of edification, spiritualization and sublimation in mind.


14. View of Lake View, see King, Yiran from the music.

15. "it is a matter of life and death."




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