瓣结构用英语怎么说 瓣结构的英语翻译

瓣结构的英语是"valvular fold",其次还可以说成"vexilla",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到78个与瓣结构相关的短语翻译和用法。

瓣结构用英语怎么说 瓣结构的英语翻译

瓣结构的英语是"valvular fold",其次还可以说成"vexilla",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到78个与瓣结构相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. Objective: To explore nursing for the patients with mitral valve replacement by chordal preservation.


3. (All) Long live the King. The King is probably dead.

4. You tell her how the Qin won the battle.

5. Objective To appraise the effects of regional wall motion of left ventricle after mitral valve replacement with or without preservation of subvalvular apparatus.

6. Do you know what i 've learned, boy?

7. So there is a significant difference in thickness of the lamina and lamella, and width of the branchial filament in inner and outer gill.


8. A record won't make you into the king of England.

9. if we had defeated Qin, then Zhao would have been a strong state.

10. The Americans are there too, lots of them.

11. Methods: Retrospective summary was made of nursing of the patients with mitral valve replacement by chordal preservation.


12. All Thais have Eight-faced Buddha's symbol tattooed on them

13. - foreign and domestic. - Don't you start with me.

14. The Zhao has defeated the Qin!

15. if they can't locate him, that means he's probably already here.


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