经用英语怎么说 经的英语翻译

经的英语是"longitude",其次还可以说成"pass through",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到42个与经相关的释义和例句。

经用英语怎么说 经的英语翻译

经的英语是"longitude",其次还可以说成"pass through",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到42个与经相关的释义和例句。

special economic zone special economic zones ( 经济特区 )

economic structural reform the reform of the economic system the reform of economic system economic( 经济体制改革 )

franchising Franchise Operation Franchise BOT ( 特许经营 )

The Economist EIU Economists The Economist kindle ( 经济学人 )

commercial circle commercial cycle economic circle business cycle the economic cycle business cycle( 经济周期 )

real economy real economy substantial economy tangible economy the real economy ( 实体经济 )

economic aggregate total economic output aggregate economic output economic ag GREgate ( 经济总量 )

1. Madame! if a thousand soldiers pounced you.

2. Sydney just happened to pass.

6. This is a socioeconomic crisis.

7. Luckily the box is still there!

8. The lung, large intestine, pericardium, heart and small intestine meridian of Sanjiao channel, 6 channel starting and ending in hands.


9. You have to pray one hundred Rosary two hundred times

10. Use your time studying the dog and horse race reports

11. She keeps on interjecting, all during the lunch, how much in love she was.

12. - Dearly beloved... . . avenge not yourselves, for it is written... . . for it is written...

13. Hello, Akbar Aqa. With your permission.

14. This is an advanced medical handbook.

15. Five hundred times Our father


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