星云假说用英语怎么说 星云假说英语翻译

星云假说的英语翻译是"  the hypothesis of nebula",还可以翻译为nebular hypothesis,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到55个与星云假说相关的释义和例句。

星云假说用英语怎么说 星云假说英语翻译

星云假说的英语翻译是"  the hypothesis of nebula",还可以翻译为nebular hypothesis,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到55个与星云假说相关的释义和例句。

1. Simpson's paradox isn't just a hypothetical scenario.

2. L the Horsehead nebula in Orion is the best-known dark nebula.

3. But this is hypothesis-generating.

4. - But i have a hypenothesis. - Hypothesis.

5. This isn't hypothesis-driven.

6. Recommend we position ourselves away from the Nebula.

7. Our results supported resource partitioning and body size hypothesis, and denied arrival timing and predation risk hypothesis.


8. The Trifid is a little dimmer than the Lagoon.

9. The lion's head nebula, and the blinking eye.

10. The Lion's Head Nebula and the blinking eye.

11. Nebulas include Messier objects M8, M16, M20, as well as the Pipe and Cat's Paw nebulas.


12. L Reflection nebulae have no light of their own.

13. We are now entering the Mutara Nebula.

14. We've got our actors in this rickshaw, which we've got on a gimbal here which we're steering from left to right, just so it gives that sensation of flying.

15. Oslash; Contact is established with Nebulos.


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