反应能力用英语怎么说 反应能力英语翻译

反应能力的英语为"  Responsiveness",还可以翻译为reaction capacity,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到21个与反应能力相关的短语翻译和用法。

反应能力用英语怎么说 反应能力英语翻译

反应能力的英语为"  Responsiveness",还可以翻译为reaction capacity,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到21个与反应能力相关的短语翻译和用法。

African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises ( 非洲危机快速反应能力 )

Quick Reaction Capability Must think quickly when challenged QRC Quick response capability ( 快速反应能力 )

Emergency reaction ability Emergency response capability ( 应急反应能力 )

Waiter he response capability The AHU attendants response capacity ( 服务员的遇事反应能力 )

Capability in rapid-reaction reaction ( 提高快速反应能力 )

Enable brands to respond faster ( 增快企业的反应能力 )

ability to react to market conditions ( 市场反应能力 )

1. - it speeds up the reflexes.

2. impairment of conditioned avoidance response in Fyn-kinase deficient mice

3. The insight here is that there’s a fundamental tradeoff between productivity and responsiveness.

译文:此处有一个重要的 权衡问题存在于 生产效率和反应能力之间。

4. The octopus is one of the great symbols of hydra --

译文:极其聪明 适应能力很强 supremely intelligent, highly adaptable。

5. He is resilient. it's my son.

6. The sport requires very fast reactions.

7. Oh, we both have psychic abilities. We're both...

8. Could a thermite reaction burn through?

9. What response on my part would bring this conversation to a speedy conclusion?

10. We need adaptability, the ability to learn how to be creative and innovative.

11. Children are amazingly adaptable.

12. Adaption is the number one skill of living organisms.

13. Helga has extraordinary telepathic powers.

14. So the military removed her reflexes?

15. roachesare extremely adaptable.




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