百花齐放用英语怎么说 百花齐放英语翻译

百花齐放的英语可以这样说:letting a hundred flowers blossom -,还可以翻译为Flowers of every kind are in bloom.,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到24个与百花齐放相关的短语翻译和用法。

百花齐放用英语怎么说 百花齐放英语翻译

百花齐放的英语可以这样说:letting a hundred flowers blossom -,还可以翻译为Flowers of every kind are in bloom.,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到24个与百花齐放相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. letting a hundred flowers blossom -

百花齐放翻译为 letting a hundred flowers blossom -。

示例:The bods will soon blossom into flowers. 花蕾很快就会绽放成花朵的。

2. Flowers of every kind are in bloom.

百花齐放翻译为Flowers of every kind are in bloom.。

示例:- Let a thousand flowers bloom. 说:

3. All flowers bloom together.

百花齐放翻译为All flowers bloom together.。

示例:Do something we can all do together. Do something we can all do together.

1. Hundred Flowers Campaign( 百花齐放运动)

2. Hundred Flowers Movement( 百花齐放运动)

1. A land of green where flowers bloom, birds sing, and fish dance!

2. resulting in such a blooming and wealthy situation now.

3. "There will be a hundred blossoms when the birds arrive"

4. Let us leave the capital and its formalities for a rich green land of flowers, birds, and leaping fish.

译文:前往一个不知名的地方吧 我会陪着您的 百花齐放、鸟儿齐呜。

5. Since we took these first steps, the field of optogenetics has exploded.

译文:自从我们走出了第一步之后, 光基因技术这个领域百花齐放。

6. -And Momochan becomes... -Congratulations.

7. The third "hundred flowers"

译文:自从我们走出了第一步之后, 光基因技术这个领域百花齐放。

11. -Yes, a ballerina. Momochan.

12. Every man has his hobbyhorse. A single flower does not make a spring.

13. ♪ The summer's gone and all the flowers are dying. ♪

14. The sun is out. And the flowers are all in bloom.

15. And if you come back after eating the "Flower Show" will already be over.


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