松雨用英语怎么说 松雨的英语翻译

松雨的英语为"rain",其次还可以说成"fog shower",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到40个与松雨相关的翻译和例句。

松雨用英语怎么说 松雨的英语翻译

松雨的英语为"rain",其次还可以说成"fog shower",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到40个与松雨相关的翻译和例句。

2. And toward the end, he said, "if you would know the pine tree, go to the pine tree."

译文:临终前,他说 “欲知松 先问松”(松の事は松に习へ)。

3. No, it's not the rain. He saw us.

4. She arrived with the rain and departed with the rain

5. And then, finally, the rain let up.

6. The rain occurs, these are summer rains.

7. it's raining oil. it's raining oil, fellas.

8. The storm was wailing The rain made noise

9. You sent Matsuyan back over to the Amayas !

10. i think it stopped. i think it stopped.

11. Amamiya... i guess he's not here yet.

12. Rain Rain is my favorite too!

13. i'll change the flowers tomorrow

14. The rain occurs, these are summer rains.

15. Rain, rain, rain showers


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