破财免灾用英语怎么说 破财免灾英语翻译

破财免灾的英语是"  a financial loss may prevent disaster",还网络中常译为"a financial loss may prevent disaster",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到37个与破财免灾相关的译文和例句。

破财免灾用英语怎么说 破财免灾英语翻译

破财免灾的英语是"  a financial loss may prevent disaster",还网络中常译为"a financial loss may prevent disaster",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到37个与破财免灾相关的译文和例句。

1.   a financial loss may prevent disaster

破财免灾翻译为   a financial loss may prevent disaster。

示例:And they prevent disaster. 他们能预防灾难。

2. a financial loss may prevent disaster

破财免灾翻译为a financial loss may prevent disaster。

示例:And they prevent disaster. 他们能预防灾难。

4. it could be a fiscal loss... or even a loss of a life.

5. He agreed as soon as i proposed, it is wise to sacrifice some money to avoid disasters.

6. L-M-M-U-N-O-E-L-E-C-T-R-O- P-H-O-R-E-S-i-S.

7. "but you're gonna look like you just drove yourself out of the showroom."

8. "Humanity is the disease, inferno is the cure. "

9. i'm not giving up the rewards.

10. You can pay me back when this is over.

11. The welcome ceremony is cancelled!

12. - none the worse for your little mishap.

13. The four of diamonds and two black sevens mean great loss.

14. Slower. Tickle the bunny. Yes, yes.

15. And God brought ten plagues upon the house of Pharaoh.

译文:按顺序依次为 血灾 蛙灾 虱灾 蝇灾 疫灾 疹灾 雹灾 蝗灾 夜灾 长子之死。




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