天下雨了用英语怎么说 天下雨了英语翻译

天下雨了用英语翻译为"it rains",在日常中也可以翻译为"it is raining",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到38个与天下雨了相关的短语翻译和用法。

天下雨了用英语怎么说 天下雨了英语翻译

天下雨了用英语翻译为"it rains",在日常中也可以翻译为"it is raining",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到38个与天下雨了相关的短语翻译和用法。

4. jupiter pluviuss(Jupiter Pluvius\n['plu:viəs]\n雨神\n[谚语]天下雨了。)

Suddenly it began to rain ( 天突然下雨了 )

Like going to rain As if it will rain ( 好像天要下雨了 )

Radio tomorrow going to rain ( 收音机说明天要下雨了 )

Today a little rain A little rain today Under some rain today ( 今天下了点雨 )

It began to rain It rained world ( 天下起了雨 )

The sky began to rain ( 天空下起了大雨 )

1. i'll ask him, "is it going to rain today?"

2. it was a rainy day, i was holding an umbrella

3. They can say, "Yesterday it rain," "Now it rain," "Tomorrow it rain."


4. i wish it would rain every day from here on out.

5. But grandfather say: "it never rain every day." This is good news, guaranteed.

6. Though it rained yesterday, the cornice is still dripping water.

7. They can say, "Yesterday it rain," "Now it rain," "Tomorrow it rain."


8. it's raining, i hate when it's raining

9. it rained when i was there.

10. i love it when it rains in the summer.

11. it was raining that day and..

12. if you weren't here, i coulda won that fight easy! And i...

13. i asked him, "is it going to rain today?"

14. it was raining today, so no practice.

15. After all these years! i'm your father, Soun Tendo! DiE!


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