蛋糕房用英语怎么说 蛋糕房的英语翻译

蛋糕房用英语说"bakery",其次还可以说成"  DIY",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到49个与蛋糕房相关的释义和例句。

蛋糕房用英语怎么说 蛋糕房的英语翻译

蛋糕房用英语说"bakery",其次还可以说成"  DIY",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到49个与蛋糕房相关的释义和例句。

Birthday Cake Games ( 生日蛋糕房小游戏 )

Xin margin cake House Xin Yuan cake room ( 鑫缘蛋糕房 )

1. i want to tell you about my life and hear about yours while we eat a cream cake in the Mallol Patisserie, like when we got out of school on weekends.

译文:在我们到Mallol蛋糕房 吃蛋糕的时候 我想告诉你我的生活 也想听听你的 就像过去周末 我们离校出游时一样。

2. i'm talking about the layer cake.

3. She spells cake, she gets cake.

译文:她拼cake(蛋糕), 她就得到 cake(蛋糕).。

4. i want a real cake, kirishu cake!

5. You promised, a chocolate cake!

6. -What did you do with the cake today?

7. Captain Stransky should see this.

8. i like cake, birthday cake, all kinds of cake.

10. More cake. How do you like that cake?

11. Right after the cake. i like cake.

12. The cake. You caught the ring in the cake?

13. You wanted cake, you got cake. Now eat it!

14. Good. - i want the double matte through both names, both names.

15. Here. This is cake. Yes cake, C.cake, C.A.K.E.


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