遗令用英语怎么说 遗令的英语翻译

遗令用英语说"order of acquittal",还可以翻译为warrant for attachment,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到70个与遗令相关的翻译和例句。

遗令用英语怎么说 遗令的英语翻译

遗令用英语说"order of acquittal",还可以翻译为warrant for attachment,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到70个与遗令相关的翻译和例句。

2. i'm sorry you exist. i have a long list of sorries.

3. So, he went awry like a few other Nazi physicians.

4. the administration complex... the spaceport... all the details... Now...

5. These remnants, you understand, are clues to her vanishing.

6. Yeah, so am i. i'm sorry i ever laid eyes on you.

7. And he got terribly bad reputation in history.

8. He's gathering mussels for dinner.

9. it's important for a lawyer to cover contingencies.

10. By order of the commanding Officer;

11. i'm building a house. No time.

12. i wanted to tell you i'm sorry about the way things went.

13. This story is called Blue Story on Blue Bridge.

14. "Priceless Treasure of the East"

15. This is his hair that is left behind.




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