构造原理用英语怎么说 构造原理英语翻译

构造原理的英语翻译是"aufbau principle",还经常被译作  building up principle,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到49个与构造原理相关的短语释义和例句。

构造原理用英语怎么说 构造原理英语翻译

构造原理的英语翻译是"aufbau principle",还经常被译作  building up principle,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到49个与构造原理相关的短语释义和例句。

5. rift structure(裂谷构造;断裂构造, 裂谷构造,断裂构造)

unit construction principle ( 单元构造原理 )

1. Beier Depression was divided into rift structure, fault-depressed structure and depressed structure from below.


2. i don't go in for theories.

3. The second point of the Aufbau Principle is just energetics.

4. OK, boys, i know how this works.

5. Schematic of a dirty trick.

6. Based on the encryption principle of affine cipher, a frequency transition function of DFH is designed.


7. And the answer to this question is given by the Aufbau Principle.

8. A structure that had grown corrupt.

9. Based on the fuzzy decision prin-cipsel, the optimal membership degrees of the fuzzy objectives and constraints are considered, and then the decision function is constructed.


10. So we're bound with the laws of physics and the laws of economics.

11. Constructing Real Number System by Supremum Axiom

12. The organization and principle of geogauge who is new measurement instrument for compacted quality of roadbed are introduced.


13. The thrust faults, folds, strike-slip faults and magmatic diapir structures were formed in the lower layer;


14. You understand their mechanics and how they're engineered?

15. it's a little thing called physics.


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