毛细孔用英语怎么说 毛细孔的英语翻译

毛细孔用英语翻译为"supercapillary interstice",还可以翻译为fine mesh sieve,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到30个与毛细孔相关的翻译和例句。

毛细孔用英语怎么说 毛细孔的英语翻译

毛细孔用英语翻译为"supercapillary interstice",还可以翻译为fine mesh sieve,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到30个与毛细孔相关的翻译和例句。

2. supercapillary interstice(超毛细管间隙;超毛细孔隙)

3. The smallest blood vessels are called capillaries.

4. Take a look at this little tuft of capillaries.

5. extra stereocilia on outer hair cell and extra inner hair cell.

6. To be working on capillarity, on fluid-absorption phenomena.

7. lateral line scales The pored scales of the lateral line between the upper end of the gill opening and the base of the caudal fin.


8. And it's at the hair cell level that they do this.

9. The leftover warm leaves are laid on the ground and Kosini is placed on them.

10. The identifying unit is any selection or combination of the pore data and fingerprint line data; it compares the fingerprint image with presorted fingerprint image.


11. and then squeezing through tiny capillaries.

12. They rise because of what is termed the capillary effect...

13. Hair-cell damage is really common: noise exposure, ordinary aging, illness.

译文:毛细胞损坏很常见: 过量的噪音,正常衰老, 疾病都会导致毛细胞损坏。

14. And it's at the hair cell level that they do this.

15. Capillary electropsis (CE), also known as capillary zone electropsis (CZE).


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