全须全尾用英语怎么说 全须全尾英语翻译

全须全尾用英语翻译为"full gloss",其次还可以说成"full potential",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到86个与全须全尾相关的释义和例句。

全须全尾用英语怎么说 全须全尾英语翻译

全须全尾用英语翻译为"full gloss",其次还可以说成"full potential",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到86个与全须全尾相关的释义和例句。

3. Oh, yeah, you company men. Know all, see all, hear all.

4. - Totally and utterly bored.

5. Whole-wheat is not the same thing as whole grain, Billy!

6. Fertilizer handling accelerated the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and kalium in cole.

7. i want this out. Roll it all up.

8. This is completely destroyed. Completely ruined. it's a piece of trash.

9. ' i'll slash the price and throw in extras!

10. Wet it down. All over. All over.

11. Spill it. Spill everything.

12. i'll get rid of all of them!

13. Construction and application of underground unsized railings gravitational flow backfill station

14. Shake it off, shake it off! Shake it off, shake it off!

15. Then, one can't have everything.


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