功利性用英语怎么说 功利性的英语翻译

功利性通常被翻译为"utilitarian"的意思,其次还可以说成"  Utilitarian",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到92个与功利性相关的译文和例句。

功利性用英语怎么说 功利性的英语翻译

功利性通常被翻译为"utilitarian"的意思,其次还可以说成"  Utilitarian",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到92个与功利性相关的译文和例句。

Non-utilitarian teleology in literature ( 非功利性的文学目的论 )

utilitarian esthetic standards ( 功利性审美 )

1. i've already stressed its utilitarian aspect.

2. “Humanity objectifies nature as a source of income, as a pure utilitarian relationship, ” said Mr. Zhang.

3. - But won't it look opportunistic if i just drop them as clients? Yes.

4. To him, being paid would have meant being a mercenary.

5. i didn't know you were so cynical.

译文:我都不知道你原来这么功利 I didn't know you were so cynical.。

6. is it a utilitarian object?

7. Because every time i give, it breaks the grip of materialism in my life.

译文:因为每次我捐献, 就在我的人生中挣脱了功利主义的束缚。

8. And it's so easy to understand him.

9. But too utilitarian? i mean is that the way you think of fashion?

10. it's a utilitarian article, that's why.

11. is it a utilitarian object?

12. it was James Mill who was the best publicist for utilitarian ideas on government.

13. i don't think she's materialistic.

14. Because every time i give, it breaks the grip of materialism in my life.

15. People are so earnest these days.


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