夜郎自大用英语怎么说 夜郎自大英语翻译

夜郎自大的英语是"  Yelang is a big boy",还经常被译作be stuck up,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到55个与夜郎自大相关的翻译和例句。

夜郎自大用英语怎么说 夜郎自大英语翻译

夜郎自大的英语是"  Yelang is a big boy",还经常被译作be stuck up,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到55个与夜郎自大相关的翻译和例句。

3. Always so proud and so arrogant!

4. That's like M. Night-level douchiness.

译文:那根本就是夜郎自大的表现嘛 {\3cH202020}That's like m. night -level douchiness.。

5. Whims, whims. Egotistic whims.

6. Nightflower is a pack of paranoid, anti-corporate, hubristic freaks.

7. Strikers: Yeah! No pride, no ride.

8. But it's not a cri de coeur about man's hubris in the face of the elements.

9. And they are also arrogant.

10. Your enthusiasm for complaint knows no limit.

11. Yes, i suppose he's in it. Oh, but tell me, Rhett, where is it?

12. Don't be arrogant and over confident;

13. His manner is supercilious and arrogant.

14. Well, let's just say you're not as clever as you think you are.

15. But it's not a cri de coeur about man's hubris in the face of the elements.




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