双非一本是啥用英语怎么说 双非一本是啥英语翻译

双非一本是啥的英语是"No Filter",还网络中常译为"priggery",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到11个与双非一本是啥相关的译文和例句。

双非一本是啥用英语怎么说 双非一本是啥英语翻译

双非一本是啥的英语是"No Filter",还网络中常译为"priggery",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到11个与双非一本是啥相关的译文和例句。

2. And one of them was an autobiography Written by a ghost writer, naturally.

3. This is the book of "Dragon Suppressing Stances"

7. You 做啥 on 做啥 you are not eligible to bargain with me

8. i accepted enthusiastically, and a few weeks later, a package arrived containing not one, but two books -- Rafidah's choice from Malaysia, and a book from Singapore that she had also picked out for me.

译文:我满腔热情地接受了 几个星期后 包裹来了,里面不是一本,是两本—— Rafidah 选的一本是马来西亚的书 还有一本也是她选的,来自新加坡的书。

9. First is This Time, second is That Time.

10. And devoured one book after another.

11. So they have prepared two sets of baby books: one outlining life with the Battels, the other about each child's birth parents.


12. A work of fiction, was it?

13. Wow, this is a... it's, like, a poetry book.

14. Well, we...we thought that was something else.

15. Among the books he had with him was an old Fort William edition of Jayadeva's Gita Govinda.


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