满清用英语怎么说 满清的英语翻译

满清的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为mandarine,还可以翻译为Manchu dynasty,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到36个与满清相关的翻译和例句。

满清用英语怎么说 满清的英语翻译

满清的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为mandarine,还可以翻译为Manchu dynasty,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到36个与满清相关的翻译和例句。

4. mandarine(n. 官话, 普通话, 满清官吏, 中国柑桔\na. 官僚的, 保守知识界的, (语言或文体)繁复而华美的, (中国式)紧身马褂的)

1. The gold kept by Ching before now has been changed into gold sand!

2. They'll be meeting at the border.

3. The Qing court will send assassins

4. At this time the Khalkha Mongols preserved their independence and only paid tribute to the Manchu Empire.


5. You have no spirit of justice and loyalty to friends.

6. i'm sure you'll overthrow the Ching emperor and recover our fatherland!

7. me: We use those pails to clean the bathroom. Seriously you want the mushrooms grow from a log full of sterilant ?


8. Cixi was the last empress dowager of the ethnic-Manchu Qing Dynasty and the last empress dowager of China.


9. Reached via planked walkways, all are built from treated pine wood imported from New Zealand and topped with thatch roofs.


10. Manchu burned the Shaolin temple.

11. The tartars are well-armed

12. Ching tartars killed so many people

13. The Manchurian regime is corrupt and oppressive

14. People could fight the tartars

15. We can't talk sense with the tartars





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