数次用英语怎么说 数次的英语翻译

数次的英语可以这样说:  once or twice,还可以翻译为  Numeral,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到22个与数次相关的释义和例句。

数次用英语怎么说 数次的英语翻译

数次的英语可以这样说:  once or twice,还可以翻译为  Numeral,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到22个与数次相关的释义和例句。

Quante volte u ho cercato ( 寻你无数次 )

and swear again and again ( 并许下无数次的誓言 )

Montparnrear ende ( 数次路经蒙帕纳斯 )

countable subadditivity ( 可数次可加性 )

1. is it not because it was conquered many times? - Yes.

2. We've been over this 100 times.

3. Horn: armed robbery record.

4. i told you a million times.

5. The draft will be modified numerous times.

6. She's walkin' by it 100 times a day.

7. i see them again and again...

8. Why? How many times i've been asked that question.

9. "i've asked myself many times."

10. i know that, but, Commander, i-

11. i broke my hand more than once.

12. Have i fought and strove and perished

13. i've told you a million times...

14. Probably driven by him a hundred times.

15. it has been painted countless times


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