高自考用英语怎么说 高自考的英语翻译


高自考用英语怎么说 高自考的英语翻译


1. i have passed the exams of all the Self-Undergraduate of English Majoy of Beijing Foreign Langage School and acquired the English Literature degree in 2006.


2. His guide was not only archaeological science but the tradition handed down in the Mahabharata.

3. A client is often asked, what kind of documents do it for me, full-time, self-taught distance learning diplomas.


4. So... We'll think it over and see about the lessons.

5. This was just one of 18 examples of ambush marketing at Euro 2008 identified by researchers at Coventry University Business School.


6. i just wanted to explore on my own.

7. Hundreds of corpses, mostly from Khao Lak, wait to be identified in a temple off the coast of Ban Muan, nearly 120 km (75 miles) north of the Thai resort island of Phuket December 29, 2004.


8. i wanted to see for myself how good you can be.

9. i intend to personally look into your project... to determine its viability within the moral principles of this company.

译文:我打算亲自考察你们的项目... I intend to personally look into your project... 确定它是否在公司道德允许范围内 to determine its viability within the moral principles of this company.。

10. i'm considering it myself.

11. all humans are one family.




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