双师型用英语怎么说 双师型的英语翻译

双师型在英语中的翻译是"diprotodont",还可以翻译为double form,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到28个与双师型相关的释义和例句。

双师型用英语怎么说 双师型的英语翻译

双师型在英语中的翻译是"diprotodont",还可以翻译为double form,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到28个与双师型相关的释义和例句。


3. Objective To explore the application of the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique in the studies of the extrinsic ionotropic receptor expressed by living oocytes.

4. The ethoxyline resin is type A of bisphenol, cyclic hydrocarbon, linearity phenol formaldehyde and so on.

5. Thyristors should not be confused with bipolar junction transistors or field-effect transistors. BJTs

6. if it trips over it can surely hurt someone.

7. LCD Field-Sequential Smectic LCD with a Dual-gate TFT Pixel Amplifier

8. Then expatiate the geometry structure parameter and the ponderance of modification wrap.

9. You can do it! Yatta! Yatta!

10. Yes, they're the new double-O-fronts.

11. Clinical Survey of Biguanides with Type 2 Diabetes

12. The optimal design of structure and layout for9926dual N-channel enhancement mode VDMOSFET is presented.


13. Bilateral subcapital neck of femur fractures after eclamptic seizures J. Kause and M. J. Parr

14. Fourth infantry... Took a Bouncing Betty.

15. Computer Analog Calculation of P-type Double Eccentric-Pieces Advancer




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