贪图安逸用英语怎么说 贪图安逸英语翻译

贪图安逸的英语是"hanker after an easy and comfortable life",还可以翻译为seek ease and comfort,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到27个与贪图安逸相关的译文和例句。

贪图安逸用英语怎么说 贪图安逸英语翻译

贪图安逸的英语是"hanker after an easy and comfortable life",还可以翻译为seek ease and comfort,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到27个与贪图安逸相关的译文和例句。

1. hanker after an easy and comfortable life

贪图安逸翻译为hanker after an easy and comfortable life。


Home is so important, so that I need to work hard, it is not the time to enjoy the cozy life.

贪图安逸翻译为   crave comfort and pleasure。


Youth means a dispositional control of courage over cowardice, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.

1. Ease makes thief.([谚语]贪图安逸的人会起盗心。)

2. such one doesn't care for personal glory.

3. You people are getting lazy

4. if you don't desire honor and wealth,

5. i hate to break it to you, but i don't think he's after your money.

6. i don't seek wealth and glory

7. Attention, come on you free loaders!

8. Bosses complain that younger executives lack assertiveness; the media grouse about unambitious "grass-eating men" .


9. Will you stop this? - Could you use some Southern Comfort?

10. Those gentlemen like to play peace.

11. ♪ nor cast one thought behind

12. i'm not hankering for the good life, i just want to be comfortable

13. You just tryin' to act like your sister or somethin', tryin' to be fast.

14. i had a comfortable life. Yeah.

15. Even when i take revenge, i find no peace.




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