论述文用英语怎么说 论述文的英语翻译

论述文的英语翻译是"argumentative writing",其次还可以说成"argumentative writing -",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到80个与论述文相关的短语翻译和用法。

论述文用英语怎么说 论述文的英语翻译

论述文的英语翻译是"argumentative writing",其次还可以说成"argumentative writing -",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到80个与论述文相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. dominant discourse(宰制论述;主控论述;优势论述;强势论述, 主控论述;宰制话语;优势话语)

Overview of Thesises ( 论文综述 )

This paper states content Essay described content ( 这篇论文所述的内容 )

partial dimension ( 论文阐述拓扑学的偏维 )

1. Such is the prosecution's case.

2. Thes ystem functions and its applications were described in detail.

3. Laotian? Vietnamese? You forgot this.

4. This part also discusses the grouds for exemption.

5. This article describes the HFi welding principle.

6. This was an argument from the political scientist James Payne.

7. Edward Wilmot Blyden's Discourse on the Race

8. Stephen Covey said it very beautifully.

9. This was an argument from the political scientist James Payne.

10. Discuss, citing specific examples.

11. it's Wim-Kian, must be him

12. it is, uh, an argument about... many things.

13. Kevin- - Kevin-- Kevin, stop calling me!

14. The market situation of hquid detergent was related.

15. Without such information, the argument is pure speculation and nothing more than a statement of the arguer's opinion.


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