象鞭用英语怎么说 象鞭的英语翻译

象鞭在英语中的翻译是"flagelliflory",还可以翻译为inner flagellum,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到69个与象鞭相关的译文和例句。

象鞭用英语怎么说 象鞭的英语翻译

象鞭在英语中的翻译是"flagelliflory",还可以翻译为inner flagellum,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到69个与象鞭相关的译文和例句。

3. When the horse starts galloping the beef gets whipped up... until it's soft and tender

译文:这样,当马跑起来的时候呢 就一鞭一鞭地 就把牛肉鞭得又松又软了。

4. Won't you tell him please to put on some speed

5. Rootstock flagellate, like rhizome of bamboo.

6. Dickson Dickson i need you, i need your comfort

7. Agood horse should be seldom spurred.

8. He whipped Hackenhold, too.

9. it's not a whip, male - male!

10. Give that man 10 lashes. Fall out!

11. For removing the collar 30 lashes.

12. On your life, Goody, faster!

13. ifyou fail to do them, you'll have a thousand lashes.

14. Take whiptail lizards, for example.

15. You guys are drinking vervain?


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