招聘用英语怎么说 招聘的英语翻译

招聘的英语翻译是"invite applications for a job bring in recruit",其次还可以说成"  recruit",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到64个与招聘相关的译文和例句。

招聘用英语怎么说 招聘的英语翻译

招聘的英语翻译是"invite applications for a job bring in recruit",其次还可以说成"  recruit",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到64个与招聘相关的译文和例句。

1. invite applications for a job bring in recruit

招聘翻译为invite applications for a job bring in recruit。

We are recruiting a sales manager with responsibility for the European market.

Recruiter Recruiting Specialist Recruitment Specialist Staffing Specialist ( 招聘专员 )

Recruiter Recruitment of staff ( 招聘人员 )

Recruitment Co-ordinator recruiting coordinator ( 招聘协调人 )

common recruitment examination ( 综合招聘考试 )

a job fair a labor fair a labor fair a job fair labor fair/ job fair ( 劳务招聘会 )

1. Major sales corporation. Motivated individuals.

2. improve & standardize recruitment procedures by having a uniform format on advertit & headhunting agency.


3. - Our 'recruitment philosophy'.

4. Sphere. Recruitment Department.

5. Wanted to see your reaction.

6. Excuse me, i saw the ad looking for maids.

7. Because the recruiters tell them it's true.

8. And you did advertise for a nanny, did you not?

12. - Already started headhunting.

13. [South African protestors chanting] And a country founded on protests--South Africa-- where a huge area of land, the Karoo, was leased out to Shell.

14. There are jobs in it and stuff.

15. Because recruiting is expensive.




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