贬谪用英语怎么说 贬谪的英语翻译

贬谪用英语翻译为"relegate",其次还可以说成"relegation -",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到53个与贬谪相关的短语翻译和用法。

贬谪用英语怎么说 贬谪的英语翻译

贬谪用英语翻译为"relegate",其次还可以说成"relegation -",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到53个与贬谪相关的短语翻译和用法。

Journal of Socialist Theory Guide ( 唐代贬谪诗人类型析 )

degraded literators of Yongzhen ( 永贞贬谪文人 )

relegation culture of Hainan island ( 海南岛贬谪文化 )

1. She will be banished to earth and suffer like common mortals.

2. The most flourishing period for Yuanzhen s poetry creation was the time during he was demoted in Jiangling which is also a crucial moment for the formation of his "Yuanhe Style".


3. The Evolution and Characteristics of the Relegating Poems in Tang and Song Dynasties

4. Liuyuxi is an outstanding statesman and exiling poem in middle of Tang Dynasty .

5. Experience of homeland being conquered and three time's exiling brought him richer poetry content and the emotion experience.


6. liu - yuxi , surpassing of the relegating literature tradition

7. Relegation, as a special kind of life experience, greatly hurts the ancient Chinese literati and leads to a lack of emotional experience.


8. Soon after being summoned to Chang'an by the emperor, Li Bai was banished due to slanderous talk of crafty officials.


9. Ever since Czar Paul i has exiled him to his estate, the General-in-Chief, Prince Nikolai Andreyevich Bolkonsky,

译文:原陆军总司令 尼古拉・安德烈维奇・博尔孔斯基元帅 在保罗皇朝时 被贬谪还乡。

10. it is through this article relegate Sushi period of a few words for imagery to explore the mentality of their relegation.




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