仕途沉浮用英语怎么说 仕途沉浮英语翻译

仕途沉浮用英语翻译为"official career",还网络中常译为"sinkage experiment",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到51个与仕途沉浮相关的短语翻译和用法。

仕途沉浮用英语怎么说 仕途沉浮英语翻译

仕途沉浮用英语翻译为"official career",还网络中常译为"sinkage experiment",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到51个与仕途沉浮相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. This is how careers are made.

译文:仕途就是这样缔造的 This is how careers are made.。

3. You will make kings rise and fall.

4. have a bright future in official career, adding er to the family.

5. Out here on the ancient silk road, great civilizations have risen and fallen.

6. it is suitable for Wenguang to follow the official career.

7. "Today A Face in the Crowd takes you on a sentimental journey.

8. it's mankind who holds the key to Hades' rise.

9. A Face in the Crowd was my idea.

10. On blue days you feel like you are folating in an ocean of sadness.

11. Eli, is this going to impact the judgeship?

12. Georges Valombreuse "Rise and Fall of a Diplomat"

译文:Georges Valombreuse"一个外交官的沉浮"。

13. You want a career in politics and the Twin Towers fall in your lap?

14. No Matter how it may affect my political future.

15. Did frobisher block your political career?




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