固的文言文用英语怎么说 固的文言文英语翻译

固的文言文用英语翻译为"Literary Chinese",还网络中常译为"literary style",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到71个与固的文言文相关的短语释义和例句。

固的文言文用英语怎么说 固的文言文英语翻译

固的文言文用英语翻译为"Literary Chinese",还网络中常译为"literary style",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到71个与固的文言文相关的短语释义和例句。

3. Siu Ku, i've received your letter today.

4. We're getting reinforcements, general.

5. Your words... are more convincing than my fists i'm impressed

译文:公子你只说了几句文言文... 就感动的那个猪头鸡飞狗跳的 好厉害呀。

6. in the east, Yaohan fortress is mine.

7. Or Pliny The Elder wrote a treatise theorizing that amber went from liquid to a solid,

译文:或者是老Pliny 他的论文指出 琥珀会从液态凝结成固态。

8. There goes an arm bar An arm bar

9. And by solid i don't mean fat.

10. CLSE - Column liquid-solid extraction ?

11. A new talent writing an ancient-style essay stunned all the college entrance exam-markers in Jiangsu, Yangtse Evening reported.


12. From Western Fortress Town

13. and days of auld lang syne.

14. Damn it, Siu Ku, someone is coming.

15. Steve: don't worry. in the worst po ible case, you can just work three jo fer the rest of your life to pay him back!




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