乓用英语怎么说 乓的英语翻译


乓用英语怎么说 乓的英语翻译


Table Tennis ping pong Pong tenis de mesa ( 乒乓球 )

Table tennis racket racket bat ( 乒乓球拍 )

play table tennis table tennis ( 打乒乓球 )

International Table Tennis Federation ITTF ( 国际乒乓球联合会 )

World Table Tennis Championships World Tset Tennis Chfirmionships World Tfit Tennis Chrevionships ( 世界乒乓球锦标赛 )

CHINESE TABLE TENNIS ASSOCIATION CTTA tennis Association ( 中国乒乓球协会 )

Asian Table Tennis Championships ( 亚洲乒乓球锦标赛 )

PING PONG SOUSLES ARBRES IingpoogsousIesarbres PING PONG SOUS LES ARBRES Ping Pong Sous Les Arbrs ( 乒乓之恋 )

1. State-of-the-art. Bang, bang.

2. We don't have to put a label on it.

3. That was some rumbling, bling stumbling right there.

4. That's just about enough out of you, young colt.

5. - Her and her ping-pong ball. - Ooh. Hey.

6. That's right. You're going to hear a bang, just like field day at school.

7. Outside, with the ping pong table.

8. Bing-bang-boom, everybody's happy.

9. Bang! Smack! Wallop, Bing, Bong, Boom! Digest-digests, digest-digest-digests.

译文:砰!啪!击打,乒,乓,砰! 消化消化,消化消化消化。

10. - All right, listen up, gentlemen, read the signs.

11. Christine : You know what? i think you take ping-pong a little too seriously.

12. i got a fortune stick of love for you this morning.

13. Suddenly my arm was in motion!


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