膝用英语怎么说 膝的英语翻译

膝的英语为"knee",还经常被译作  knee-chest,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到40个与膝相关的短语释义和例句。

膝用英语怎么说 膝的英语翻译

膝的英语为"knee",还经常被译作  knee-chest,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到40个与膝相关的短语释义和例句。

膝翻译为 671 The locations were the left knee in 5 cases and the right knee in 2 cases.。

示例:- Come to cases, Teddy. Come to cases. Come to cases.

Cyathula officinalis Medicinal Cyathula Root radix cyathulae Cyathula officinalis Kuan ( 川牛膝 植 )

Achyranthes aspera Achyranthes longifolia Mak twotooth achyranthes root Local achyranthes aspera ( 土牛膝 )

Bhesa robusta Bhesa sinensis Bhesa sinica ( 膝柄木 )

1. My knees hurt, like, really bad.

2. And he got down on one knee,

3. Elbows, knees, punches are strong

4. Lie flat and let your knees bend.

5. Or hell, drop down on one knee and propose.

7. Place your head between your knees and brace for impact.

8. on my hands and knees... and i prayed to God.

9. ♪ On my knees, i will always

10. What are we doing? - A new knee.

11. There were 58 unilateral total knee replacements (TKR) and 7 bilateral TKR.

12. i would've got down on one knee.

13. And bend your knees a little bit.

14. Oh, yeah i'm down on my knees

15. He should get down on his knees.


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