梳棉用英语怎么说 梳棉的英语翻译

梳棉通常被翻译为"cotton carding"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"  ComcribCotton",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到76个与梳棉相关的翻译和例句。

梳棉用英语怎么说 梳棉的英语翻译

梳棉通常被翻译为"cotton carding"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"  ComcribCotton",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到76个与梳棉相关的翻译和例句。

carded cotton carded d cotton ( 粗梳棉 )

carded yarns Carded cotton ( 粗梳棉纱 )

high-production card ( 高产梳棉机 )

duocard tan tandem card tandem card ( 双联梳棉机 )

1. The thesis explain the production process and process specification of the raw material pretreatment, scutching. dressing. drawing. roving. spun yarn.


2. And then i'll brush, and brush, and brush, and brush my hair.

3. Weak kidneys, impotent, soft!

4. Comber: One, such as a machine or a worker, that combs wool, for example.

5. i take you for a Scotch and soda, huh?

6. The former infectsG. badense only, but the latter infects both G. hirsutum and G. badense.

7. Somebody needs their hair combed.

8. You might also comb your hair.

9. As pretty as brushing' can make you.

10. Toothbrush, toothpaste. An afro pick?

11. Up you get, fatty, time to groom the horses.

12. i can help you if you like.

13. To comb(flax or hemp) with a hatchel.

14. We got it. That's my boy. Last touch.

15. i have the Celestial Comb!


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