泻湖用英语怎么说 泻湖的英语翻译

泻湖的英语为"  lagune",在日常中也可以翻译为"lagoon -",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到49个与泻湖相关的释义和例句。

泻湖用英语怎么说 泻湖的英语翻译

泻湖的英语为"  lagune",在日常中也可以翻译为"lagoon -",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到49个与泻湖相关的释义和例句。

lagoon coast lido coast ( 泻湖海岸 )

1. Egypt is blessed with many have this kind of requirement, throughout the lagoon on, kill sea ancient enron-was and harald mata.


2. We will leave the cake on the s of the Mermaids' Lagoon.

3. He'd reached a spot where he knew the lagoon to be deep.

4. You'll die of cold there, won't you? Near the village is a lagoon which seems as close to a Garden of Eden as you'll get.

5. - Hey, where are you guys heading'?

6. Ay, ay, from various parts of the lagoon.

7. They were formed in a dry tidal flat lagoon environment, and developed in the upper part of the Lower Cambrian.


8. lagoon. it's sealed in by cliffs.

9. - They buried her in the lagoon.

10. And i flew over a lagoon with a shark in it, and that was the day that my comic strip about a shark was born.


11. The remains of a young woman were found in the lagoon.

12. Today Pachico takes tourists into lagoons where the whales sometime come to the boats to greet people

13. The fort on the Vistula Lagoon was renamed Balga.

14. The rest is covered with rainforest and rivers, lagoon, swamp, and s.

15. located in the poyan reservoir it also functions as a tidal lagoon.


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