厚脸皮用英语怎么说 厚脸皮的英语翻译

厚脸皮的英语是"cheeky",其次还可以说成"  Cheeky",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到82个与厚脸皮相关的译文和例句。

厚脸皮用英语怎么说 厚脸皮的英语翻译

厚脸皮的英语是"cheeky",其次还可以说成"  Cheeky",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到82个与厚脸皮相关的译文和例句。

pachyderm cool card cool character ( 厚脸皮的人 )

Is thick-skinned I thick I am thick-skinned Is my cheek ( 是我厚脸皮 )

Your thick-skinned You cheeky ( 你厚脸皮 )

Not learn cheeky Students will not be thick-skinned Learn how cheeky ( 学不会厚脸皮 )

1. Not only are you a liar, a coward, and a smartass you're also a bully.

2. -i just figured it might be kinda shameless...

3. The brassy boys put their tongues out at us.

4. Pushy, aggressive... yet delicate.

5. The one with the cold hands?

6. Delusions? What do you mean, delusions?

7. "i know i've caused you enough trouble"

8. Oh! Last night. Bold as brass in the Cafe Cleo.

9. You think me much more of a Robespierre than i am.

10. Easy for you to say. i don't have thick Hennings skin.

11. Why don't you pretend to be the Prime Pinister then?

12. And what shameless manners.

13. You sure have a lot of nerve.

14. Shameless! if there's another complaint...

15. When did you get to be so unabashedly romantic?


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