石崇宴客用英语怎么说 石崇宴客英语翻译

石崇宴客的英语是"scorpaenopsis cotticeps",还经常被译作scorpaenopsis oxycephala,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到53个与石崇宴客相关的翻译和例句。

石崇宴客用英语怎么说 石崇宴客英语翻译

石崇宴客的英语是"scorpaenopsis cotticeps",还经常被译作scorpaenopsis oxycephala,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到53个与石崇宴客相关的翻译和例句。

4. scorpaenopsis papuensis(红拟鲉;沙姜虎;石崇;石狗公;石狮子;石降;石头鱼;红石狗公;臭头格仔;虎鱼;过沟仔)

5. scorpaenopsis oxycephala(尖头拟鲉;尖头石狗公;石狮子;虎鱼;石崇;石狗公;沙姜虎;石降;过沟仔;臭头格仔;石头鱼)

1. Fredrick Chien, the ROC's representative to the U. S. , frequently holds dinners at Twin Oaks to make friends and exchange ideas.


2. Some house specialties are Chukar Chicken, Dark Mushroom, Rocking Fish, wild vegetables and lake aquatic products.

3. A very rich gentleman, with many beautiful things.

4. No dinner guests, unexpected visitors?

译文:没有宴客 没有不速之客吗 No dinner guests, unexpected visitors。

5. Because tonight is Lady Dalroy's reception.

9. Micheal: i hope i can hold my reception between the sunset and ocean. That would be very romantic.

10. How many guests, did you say?

11. Tommy sent me over to make sure the guest list for the firemen's gala was accurate.

12. it was a thoroughly dull party from the beginning, but if you will come i shall be uncommonly grateful.


13. The Prince of Lanya is having a banquet.


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