利空用英语怎么说 利空的英语翻译

利空用英语说"bad news -",还可以翻译为bear news,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到57个与利空相关的翻译和例句。

利空用英语怎么说 利空的英语翻译

利空用英语说"bad news -",还可以翻译为bear news,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到57个与利空相关的翻译和例句。

4. CMC has been working with Oerlikon since the optical media days.

5. i have access to level 1 in Langley, Defense and Homeland Security.

6. Zeltweg, Austria: Members of the italian air force's Frecce Tricolori aerobatic team perform during the Red Bull AirPower airshow

译文:奥地利,采特维希 :红牛“空中力量”航展中,“三色箭头”飞行队正在空中进行特技表演,“空中力量”是奥地利每两年一届的盛大飞行表演秀,囊括了各种类型的经典飞机,“三色箭头”是意大利空军的特技飞行队

9. This due to Oerlikon Solar represents a "time to revenue" achievement of less than nine months from delivery of equipment.


10. The aircraft, which formerly flew with the italian Air Force, were resold to the U. S. by Alenia.


11. Any explanation of the Fed's dovish stance at its last meeting will be jumped on by the market and may be dollar negative.


12. Once again, Oerlikon Solar is demonstrating that it can deliver on its promises.

13. Zey are by far ze best on ze market and have proven incredible air superiority against ze strong and feared Libyan Air Force.


14. The time to market for certified modules produced on Oerlikon Solar equipment can be reduced by up to eight months.


15. He should've gotten some horrific margin calls but the banks he's in bed with have hidden the losses hoping that things will turn around.





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