子孙后辈用英语怎么说 子孙后辈英语翻译


子孙后辈用英语怎么说 子孙后辈英语翻译


3. She was a couple of years behind me at McGill.

4. Furthermore, it sets a great example for generations to come.

5. it means organisms producing offspring.

6. But you will be a Grandee of Spain, and your children... and your children's children.

7. Your children... and your children's children...

8. i heard that originally a seonbae must treat a hubae to a meal. (Hubae - junior classmate, colleague)

9. i want you as committed to this as i am.

10. Would you show me the way please?

11. Underclassmen from the volunteer club.

12. What about your junior members?

13. All that luck and prosperity went to your family, while other families suffered.

14. What about you, Rookie? You learning something?

15. Troupe has a car accident after giving birth




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