无坚不摧用英语怎么说 无坚不摧英语翻译

无坚不摧在英语中的翻译是"be all-conquering",还经常被译作  Overrun All Fortifications,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到82个与无坚不摧相关的译文和例句。

无坚不摧用英语怎么说 无坚不摧英语翻译

无坚不摧在英语中的翻译是"be all-conquering",还经常被译作  Overrun All Fortifications,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到82个与无坚不摧相关的译文和例句。

无坚不摧翻译为   Overrun All Fortifications。

Raising money this month may require patience, but it's the patient Virgo who will get what he or she wants.

This love is unbreakable ( 此爱无坚不摧 )

My all-conquering life Lance in my life I am invincible life ( 我无坚不摧的生命 )

1. You know Mark Antony, the conquering hero, Cleopatra's guy?

译文:马克·安东尼是个无坚不摧的英雄 她是埃及女王的男人。

2. Remember how Siegfried's sword had certain invincible qualities?

3. Supposedly indestructible. it's been surgically grafted to his entire skeleton.

4. A-Alone, we're bold, we're brash, we can move mountains.

译文:只有我们的时候 我们很勇敢 我们无坚不摧 我们能移山。

5. if these moves are complimented with the Power Glove, it can destroy everything in its path.

6. it just proves no one's indestructible.

7. But the part that's left, it can't be hurt no more.

8. Jack: With me killed, you'd arrive at the cove, find it a stronghold, nigh impregnable. . . able to withstand blockade for years.


9. Help our brave warriors conquer everything in their path.

10. This facility is impenetrable, its location unknown to Gogol.

11. Only speed is eternally victorious

12. That Allspark container may be - indestructible, but you aren't!

13. Every time i put on this helmet, i feel invincible.

14. in the future your indestructible bodies... and belief in rebirth after death... are the key to conquering the world.

15. Where an immovable force meets an immovable object kind of thing.


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