旧情用英语怎么说 旧情的英语翻译

旧情在英语中的翻译是"  old affection",还经常被译作  that old feeling,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到99个与旧情相关的翻译和例句。

旧情用英语怎么说 旧情的英语翻译

旧情在英语中的翻译是"  old affection",还经常被译作  that old feeling,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到99个与旧情相关的翻译和例句。

The old love is contnuous The Past softly Love Bygone love is continuous The past love lasts ever ( 旧情绵绵 )

DON'T FORGET ABOUT US Alte Liebe rostet nicht ( 旧情难忘 )

BRING BACK THE LOVE Baby Talk is Cheap ( 旧情复燃 )

renew old friendship review one's friendship ( 重温旧情 )

Old Flames Never Interlude ( 旧情复然 )

1. Not to get back our lost days...

2. That she'd give me another chance.

3. Mindful also of old friends

4. it was wrong of me to come here and try to resurrect the past.

5. The old high-school heartthrob sheriff?

6. Like some siren call, maybe?

7. Unless you count the dubious thrill of re-reading old love letters.

8. With her, it was shared history.

9. And that's the last thing you want is your parents falling in love again.

10. You wanted to start up our affair again,and i wasn't ready.

11. You obviously have the need, especially on your birthday.

12. Whoa. they're not in love.

13. it would give us much needed pause to reacquaint ourselves.

14. When two exes decide to just be casual, someone always gets hurt.

15. You got more flames than Hell.




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