函数有界用英语怎么说 函数有界英语翻译

函数有界在英语中的翻译是"limited set",还经常被译作limited variation,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到26个与函数有界相关的译文和例句。

函数有界用英语怎么说 函数有界英语翻译

函数有界在英语中的翻译是"limited set",还经常被译作limited variation,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到26个与函数有界相关的译文和例句。

示例:fatou lemma Fubini theorem bounded variation function absolutely continuous function integral theory Levi monotony convergence theorem 积分定理莱维单调收敛定理法图引理富比尼定理有界变差函数绝对连续函数

4. essentially bounded functions

函数有界翻译为essentially bounded functions。

示例:Specifically, bounded harmonic functions. 特别是有界集函数


3. gebundener Vektor bound vector; fixed vector

4. You have to have boundaries, even with a boss.

5. it's supposed to continue indefinitely

6. i mean, she just, obviously, doesn't have any sense of boundaries.

7. Function literals are "anonymous" functions.

8. My wife was not a bounded entity.

9. The ultimate land war, with no boundaries.

10. The earliest automorphic functions to be studied were the elliptic modular functions.

11. On the mean value of Smarandache Ceil function and its dual function

12. And also there is no boundary between claooms.

13. The Ytd function is a shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function where the level is set Year.


14. ♪ i crossed all the lines and i broke all the rules ♪

15. This model occupies some properties of additive standard synthesis function, namely, monotonic, limited and idempotent .




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