遮阳百叶用英语怎么说 遮阳百叶英语翻译

遮阳百叶的英语是"wooden louvres",还网络中常译为"metal louvres",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到85个与遮阳百叶相关的译文和例句。

遮阳百叶用英语怎么说 遮阳百叶英语翻译

遮阳百叶的英语是"wooden louvres",还网络中常译为"metal louvres",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到85个与遮阳百叶相关的译文和例句。

2. But blinds are a good invention!

3. "when the shutters are down

4. That one's a beauty, with the cute blue shutters.

5. You know, if the blinds are drawn, you know, you got to pull the shade up.

译文:你知道,如果百叶窗已经放下, 你知道,你就应该把遮阳帘收起。

6. We're going to the deer blinds, Jerry.

7. Why are you staying here in the dark?

8. Close the shutters, and don't turn on the light.

9. Claoom Windows are recessed, and partially concealed behind metal louvres to provide privacy and shade.


10. Can we close your blinds and...

11. You got three windows, venetian blinds, and a ficus.

12. Aaron, i want you to go over to the window and lower the blinds.

13. Blinds the team and the guards enter, blasting.

14. Why has she got control of the blinds?

15. Remember to close the shutters tight.




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