苦乐参半用英语怎么说 苦乐参半英语翻译

苦乐参半的英语是"  bitters",还网络中常译为"  Bittersweet",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到15个与苦乐参半相关的释义和例句。

苦乐参半用英语怎么说 苦乐参半英语翻译

苦乐参半的英语是"  bitters",还网络中常译为"  Bittersweet",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到15个与苦乐参半相关的释义和例句。

bittersweet memories ( 苦乐参半的回忆 )

The Bittersweet Science ( 苦乐参半的科学 )

bittersweet memories ( 苦乐参半的记忆 )

a very bittersweet day ( 苦乐参半的日子 )

Bittersweet Rendezvous ( 苦乐参半的约会 )

1. But of course, we all know these are very bittersweet memories we're going to have.

译文:不过当然,我们都知道 这些都会成为苦乐参半的回忆。

2. A lifetime of memories, photos, trinkets...

译文:所以你没法摆脱我和我的帮忙了 正是如此 才使得生活苦乐参半。

3. You're not sure how you feel about that.

4. Like the heartbeat of a sleeping giant, with bittersweet dreams.

5. So, all in all, my evening pretty much balanced out fine.

6. Thank goodness for that ending, bittersweet as it is. Jai ho!

7. Autumn was that bittersweet time of regret for moments that had ended and things that were yet undone.

译文:秋季是苦乐参半的后悔时刻 因为时间已经过去 事情还没有做完。

8. A recent Xinhua article notes the Chinese preoccupation with other Asian teams and calls it a 'bittersweet moment' for Chinese soccer fans.


9. The Miami Herald called it "a highly readable, bittersweet rediscovery of an art dealer who made a difference. "


10. i now have the bittersweet obligation of having to pay

11. Mr. Taylor, this must be a bittersweet night.

12. is bittersweet in the sense that it was the end,

13. Semisweet. Life. in. Chocolate. Chi_Eng...

14. Known as China's "unluckiest generation, " they are exploring their bittersweet memories.


15. Hey, we got a good news/ bad news situation here.


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