触网用英语怎么说 触网的英语翻译

触网的英语是"touch net",其次还可以说成"let",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到84个与触网相关的译文和例句。

触网用英语怎么说 触网的英语翻译

触网的英语是"touch net",其次还可以说成"let",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到84个与触网相关的译文和例句。

1. Mr Ozzie is trying to “webify” Microsoft's products.

2. Discussion on determining construction period for catenaries of electrification projects of existing railways

3. Mr Ozzie is trying to "webify" Microsoft's products.

4. Anybody who implements the Gnutella protocol is able to search and locate files on that network.


5. This auxiliary locating technique brings much higher precision on train location and requires much less balise devices.


6. When we say roar, you say net.

7. Cooperating of catenary transition during construction of rainproof awning without column at platform in Beijing railway station

8. i was just relieved to see it hit the back of the net. i'm not going to lie, i've seen replays of it a few times already!


9. Upgrading Wind Protection Features of Electrified Railway Catenaries

10. Remember you are not allowed to touch the net, because it will be counted as a net foul,

11. Another reason for the failure of America is that they frequently made such faults as net-faul and holding.


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