鸢尾用英语怎么说 鸢尾的英语翻译

鸢尾用英语说"  Iris tectorum",其次还可以说成"fleur-de-lis",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到33个与鸢尾相关的释义和例句。

鸢尾用英语怎么说 鸢尾的英语翻译

鸢尾用英语说"  Iris tectorum",其次还可以说成"fleur-de-lis",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到33个与鸢尾相关的释义和例句。

鸢尾翻译为 72 The species with same or similar niche breadth had greater specific overlap. The species whose e。

Iridaceae Indaceae irides ( 鸢尾科 植 )

Ixiolirion Ixioliriaceae Ixiolirionaceae ( 鸢尾蒜科 )

Iris versicolor Blue Flag I. versicolor ( 变色鸢尾 )

Iris germanica germanica ( 德国鸢尾 )

Iris Persian Fleur de Lys fleur-de-lis ( 鸢尾花 )

Iris pallida IRIS FLORENTINA Iris florentina Orris root fleur ( 香根鸢尾 )

Iris chrysographes I. chrysographes ( 金脉鸢尾 )

1. iris and blue flag. so much alike:

2. Beautiful flowering plant of perennial roots--iridaceous plants

3. i. tectorum and i. ensata var. hortensis showed relatively weaker adaptability to drought. 3.

4. Blue irises. They were his favorite.

5. Remember, only here can you eat the iris.

6. The iris hedge planted... next to our old home:

7. Here we have to fix it. Give me an iris, please?

8. iris? i have no idea who installed this thing on my phone.

9. a monocotyledonous genus of the family iridaceae.

10. iridaceous iris is belonged to.

11. iris sibirica L. 'Sparkling Rose'

12. The iris are good but messy.

13. The iris has an ensiform leaf.

14. The scent of roses and orange blossom and freesia enveloped me in a soft mist.

15. You only missed the freesia and the roses.


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