冠蓝鸦用英语怎么说 冠蓝鸦的英语翻译

冠蓝鸦的英语翻译是"Royston crow",还网络中常译为"Steller's jay",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到77个与冠蓝鸦相关的短语翻译和用法。

冠蓝鸦用英语怎么说 冠蓝鸦的英语翻译

冠蓝鸦的英语翻译是"Royston crow",还网络中常译为"Steller's jay",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到77个与冠蓝鸦相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. That's a pretty big blue jay.

3. The seven-year champs are here.

4. And blue jays and red jays and green jays, pink jays and pink flamingos.

5. But the bluejays had said nothing about exactly where to find the Norn-Spinner and the apples, much less shelter for the night.


6. After that, i was only a blue jay, but...

7. One nearly lands on its back.

8. Like their cousins of the Corvidae family, crows and ravens, the Blue Jay is an omnivore.

9. Raven Queen Unaligned Death, fate, winter.

10. The Stormcrows rode off last night.

11. i just saw a blue-crowned motmot.

12. This is Bluejay. Confirming completion of stage one.

13. Corvids include ravens, jays, crows and magpies.

14. Research progress of turkey bluecomb

15. i was playing in my backyard and... sat on a blue jay.


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