漏洞扫描用英语怎么说 漏洞扫描英语翻译

漏洞扫描的英语为"loop hole",其次还可以说成"security scanner",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到63个与漏洞扫描相关的短语释义和例句。

漏洞扫描用英语怎么说 漏洞扫描英语翻译

漏洞扫描的英语为"loop hole",其次还可以说成"security scanner",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到63个与漏洞扫描相关的短语释义和例句。

示例:Network wants a statement. Network wants a statement.

2. vulnerability scanning(漏洞扫描)

2. You're assuming it broke down.

3. We gotta get this flooding stopped.

4. - The leak is in the sealed area.

5. Scanning, scanning, scanning, scanning.

6. He went to take a leak, Sir.

7. To... plug up the plug hole.

8. EEG, EKG, nothing invasive.

9. - i've got a water-logged letter... from a Thomas Curry.

10. Bugs. More bugs. They are everywhere.

11. Dad, i'm trying to get out of it.

12. Looking into a security breach.

13. We will find the breach in our defences and it will be sealed.

14. Scan at MGH. Learn about the scanning process.

15. You put your weak spot on the bottom.


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