游褒禅山记用英语怎么说 游褒禅山记英语翻译


游褒禅山记用英语怎么说 游褒禅山记英语翻译


3. That's very Buddhist, isn't it? !

4. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming

5. She said you looked like ingrid Bergman.

6. Follow a Zen-Body principle.

7. Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy,

8. i'm Mrs. Baumann, Marcel's grandmother.

9. Casablanca with ingrid Bergman.

10. How to check Five Jhana Factors?

11. i think that's the nicest thing you almost ever said to me.

12. The laws and histories that Moses received on Mount Sinai, are preserved and compiled with the books of Joshua, Samuel and Kings.

译文:摩西在西奈山 得到的《十诫》 与《约书亚记》 《撒母耳记》。

13. Swim quicker. Swim quicker!

14. Meditation is equal to gaza palletizer vajrayana meditation all buddhas.

15. Then, as Dudjom Rinpoche used to say: "Even though the meditator may leave the meditation, the meditation will not leave the meditator. "




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