傲雪寒梅用英语怎么说 傲雪寒梅英语翻译

傲雪寒梅的英语翻译是"take pride in",还可以翻译为Samuume,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到95个与傲雪寒梅相关的翻译和例句。

傲雪寒梅用英语怎么说 傲雪寒梅英语翻译

傲雪寒梅的英语翻译是"take pride in",还可以翻译为Samuume,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到95个与傲雪寒梅相关的翻译和例句。

3. Yeah! -i'm proud of my meat!

4. You should know she's very proud of you.

5. 439)}Underwear of a middle school girl 869)}Animation Number 400 but bloomers ? 477)}Embarassing 870)}Animation Number 400 480)\blur0.5\fs75}Girl's heart 870)\blur0.5}Animation Number 400

6. Proud people, them Cherokee.

7. inspector Fisher. Can you show me to my office?

8. You will make us very proud.

9. He prides himself on discretion.

10. Your welcome. - Thank you.

11. Find him, and then we'll make him a deal.

12. Snowsuit Guys, Snowsuit Guys!

13. Snow and ice, ice and snow.

14. Red corner, Cam F. Awesome!

15. My name is Sullie. Sullie.





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