散文赏析用英语怎么说 散文赏析英语翻译

散文赏析通常被翻译为"essay"的意思,其次还可以说成"polyphonic prose",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到56个与散文赏析相关的译文和例句。

散文赏析用英语怎么说 散文赏析英语翻译

散文赏析通常被翻译为"essay"的意思,其次还可以说成"polyphonic prose",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到56个与散文赏析相关的译文和例句。

1. The prose just lays there like spilled ink on newsprint.

2. Pre-Qin Zhuzi prose is a special literary phenomenon.

3. Zeugma and its rhetorical effect

4. Thirty-four identical essays on Lord of the Flies.

译文:三十四篇写 Lord of the Flies 的散文。

5. Coexistence of the rational and elegant prose has brought on interflowing of the two style and therefore facilitated prosperity and tenuity in this field.


6. His prose is larded with pompous expressions.

7. "Poetry and prose collection",

8. A Surrey on Tai Jingnong's Essays: Rich, Complex and Deep

9. The work is an alternation of verse and prose: Boethius, in his own person, speaks in prose, while Philosophy answers in verse.


10. But it appears to me, in reading his essays

11. i took Music Appreciation. Twice.

12. The Application Form and Appreciation of Zeugma

13. His prose has a buckram quality.

14. it works. if food is the prose of a party, lights are its poetry.

15. Beginning to see more foreign prose, as well as downloaded to the MP5 in the prose.

译文:开始看些外国的散文,以及在网上下载到MP 5中的散文。


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