jerup是什么意思 jerup的中文翻译、读音、例句


jerup是什么意思 jerup的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:There are worse things than having to visit your girlfriend at college on the weekends, Jer. (还有很多比周末去看女朋友 糟糕的事情呢 Jer)


例句:Jer, I didn't come here to lose my shirt, I just came to take it off. (小杰,我不想把衬衫给赌输掉 我只想把它脱下)


例句:[ Jer ] There's five million women living in New York City. (纽约住了五百万个女人 没名没姓的该怎么找)


jerup一般作为名词使用,如在Jerup([地名] 耶鲁普 ( 丹 ))、Hφjerup([地名] 霍耶鲁普 ( 丹 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Jerup[地名] 耶鲁普 ( 丹 )
Hφjerup[地名] 霍耶鲁普 ( 丹 )


1. [ Jer ] There's five million women living in New York City. (翻译:纽约住了五百万个女人 没名没姓的该怎么找)

2. Yes, I know, but there will be no problem when big Jer and I here go on a hunting expedition. (翻译:对 我知道 但如果我和Jer继续出去狩猎 就不会有问题了)

3. Jer, look. I need you to help me get in contact with her, ok? (翻译:听着 Jer 我需要你帮我联系她 好吗?)

4. - I want to smell her crotch, Jer. - Come, here. Hey, sit. (翻译:我想闻她裤裆,小杰杰 来,这儿,嘿,坐下)

5. Stand up and take care of yourself. (翻译:Grow up. Stand up and take care of yourself. Do it!)

6. And when I think lovingly of Israel, I speak of it as of a boy Jer. (翻译:当我觉得亲切的以色列,我说这是一个男孩张哲。)

7. So, Jer, we gotta talk. I know we've had our differences, but our son and daughter are gonna be married. (翻译:杰瑞,我们谈一谈 我知道我们很多地方不认同对方)

8. Get your hands up,up against that... up against that wall. (翻译:举起手来,缴枪不杀 Get your hands up,up against that... 趴在墙上 up against that wall.)

9. I--I needed a place to crash. Jer said it was cool. (翻译:不好意思 我需要个地方过夜 Jer说睡这没关系)

10. I'm dead, jer, and as much as I want to come back, maybe I'm just supposed to accept it. (翻译:我死了 Jer 虽说我很想回来 可也许我就该接受现实)

11. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. (翻译:快接 快接 快接 快接 Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.)

12. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. (翻译:快接,快接,快接,快接,快接 Pick up, pick up,pick up, pick up, pick up.)

13. And then look up at the stars and make up stories. (翻译:抬头看看星星 编故事 And then look up at the stars and make up stories.)

14. [ whispers ] hey, hey, hey, up, up, up. (翻译:hey, hey, hey, up, up, up.)

15. We've started our descent. (翻译:Buckle up, everyone,)




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